Voici toutes les informations sur le produit :
// Get Product ID
// Get Product General Info
get_permalink( $product->get_id() );
// Get Product Prices
// Get Product Tax, Shipping & Stock
// Get Product Dimensions
// Get Linked Products
// Get Product Variations and Attributes
$product->get_children(); // get variations
$product->get_attribute( ‘attributeid’ ); //get specific attribute value
// Get Product Taxonomies
wc_get_product_category_list( $product_id, $sep = ‘, ‘ );
// Get Product Downloads
// Get Product Images
// Get Product Reviews
// Get $product object from product ID
$product = wc_get_product( $product_id );
// Now you have access to (see above)…
// etc.
// Get $product object from $order / $order_id
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$items = $order->get_items();
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$product = $item->get_product();
// Now you have access to (see above)…
// etc.
// Get $product object from Cart object
$cart = WC()->cart->get_cart();
foreach( $cart as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ){
$product = $cart_item[‘data’];
// Now you have access to (see above)…
// etc.
// Get $product object from $post object
$product = wc_get_product( $post );
// Now you have access to (see above)…
// etc.